What's this blog all about?

"Board games? You play board games?" I hear you say... yes, but not unlike any board games you've probably ever heard of. Monopoly? Cluedo? Guess Who? Battleships? No, not by a long shot. One day someone introduced me to a great little game called "Carcassonne" - named after a French medieval town of rambling streets, walls and sections - where the aim is to score the most points using little random squares of road, walls and cities.
I was hooked and so began my, then our - the Bradshaw Tribe, adventure into Euro- and Ameritrash- gaming...

Thursday, 29 September 2011

The Vicar comes around for...a beer and we discuss board games

We had a good evening last night - the Vicar/Reverend, Hadge Hughes, from our Church that we recently started going to (it's a long, but good, story) came around for a visit just to say hello, talk about general stuff, get to know us better, talk about him and his life (very varied and full - with a good smattering of the arts) etc. It was a good night which everyone enjoyed. At one point we turned to talking about this blog and the games we play. Not sure if we got the idea across of how good euro games are, but he seemed intrigued. We offered for him and his wife to join us for a game some time; maybe we can introduce some new people to the wonderful world of euro gaming.

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