Then we played a game of 7 Wonders - ever popular at the moment - followed by one the next day.
Finally we played the new game Isla Dorada - an odd game where the players act as a team and vote with cards as to the direction the team will take around an island. The catch is other cards the players have give points if certain villages are visited and there is a Curse card which give negative points if a specific village marked on the curse card is visited. A good game that requires some thinking ahead for each step to ensure you swing the group direction to your way of thinking to get to the locations you desire; the only down point is the names of the villages which are a little hard to read, even for me, let alone for younger players; now this can slow down a game and if any thing can damage the fun factor of a game, it's slowing down of a game for checking and rechecking rules or if something on the board is not clear.
All in all a great holiday away added to by a great clutch of games. Also before going, we picked up Fluxx: Pirates but more on this later.