Bank holidays ahoy! Buy one bank holiday, get one free, even if you don't watch the Royal Wedding! Which we might. Anyhow, with a BHM and a holiday Friday so close, if you take three days off in the middle, you get eleven days off in total! Wowzers - so what does this mean for us and gaming? Well, an opportunity to nip into BattleQuest Games for starters, and to play some games.
Andy was celebrating one year since opening (wowzers again, really??!) and we celebrated with him by buying a new game ;) This one is a filler named Mow (A unilateral language word for Moo I think, being the manual is in a million and 3 languages.) - a card game based on cows and flies. I kid yee not. The basic premise is that each player gets 5 cards, each card will have a picture of a cow, a number from 0 to 16 and some or no flies. There is also a turn direction indicator, showing the flow of players; this is decided by the first player.
Each player in turn selects a numbered card, for example 8 with 4 flies and places it on the table. The next player has to then place a card higher or lower than 8. If they place 12 for example, all numbers between 8 and 12 (9, 10, 11) are now locked out and the 3rd player must place a card lower than 8 or higher than 12. If they cannot, they must pick up the cards on the table. These cards are put aside for counting up later.
There are some numbered cards with 0 flies, but as the game is based on the idea of winning by having as few flies as possible at the end of the game, it is better to retain these than a card with flies on.
As each player puts down a card, they must also pick up one from a deck to retain a hand of 5 cards. Some cards are special which allow for example two of the same number to be placed, a locked gap number to be used etc. These are few and fair between but are useful. They are also useful for allowing the player to change the player flow - eg a player who has just picked up 5 cards could get stung again with another load of cards.
Play continues until the deck has run dry and the cards on the table have been collected by an unfortunate player. The players then count up the flies on the cards in their hand and any they have been forced to collect. The winner is the one with least flies.
This is an exciting little filler to start an evening or between games. It's backstabbing nature and ease of play is of great appeal to us.
We then played 7 Wonders just for the heck of it :)