Last night was another good night at Andys - I was a little late again but a game of Last Night on Earth was just about to start and I was invited into the table as the 2nd zombie player alongside Nigel Heathers. Also on the table were Andy, Matt Green and the guy who owns the game, but I didn't know his name. Must find it out. Anyhow, my arrival possibly proved to be the downfall of the humans as no matter how hard they tried, I kept seeming to throw a high percentage of winning zombie attack dice to the point I'd killed off Andys Elvis-a-like vicar lol. There was also a point when I picked up two zombie cards, they were both Play Instantly cards - one of which was a Pick up three more cards. Of which two were instant plays, including another Pick up three!
After a desperate battle by the humans, they ended up loosing after the Vicar went down. I love this game, especially with lots of players - in my eyes Zombies!!! doesn't compare.
Zombies on the march!
"I'll save ya Reverend!"
Next up was Panic Station - a super tense thriller of a game where a group of individuals with clones set out to destroy an alien infestation - the twist being that one person is infected from the start with a virus who tries to pass it on to other people in the game in an attempt to kill off the human players. As each player moves into a room with another player, they have to swap a card from their hand. At the start, everyone has three "Infection" cards which are not passed on until they are infected (or are the host from the start). If a player receives one of these marks, a bit like the Black Spot of pirates gone by, then they are infected. Like Galactica Cylons, the infected are not to pass on they are infected - people have to guess and if they do, try to kill them off. Paranoia sets in - people accuse each other and infighting starts.
In our game, I was the original Host and a few turns in I attempted to take over one of the players. Now I was under the impression that if I passed on an infection card, the player will only block me if they passed a petrol can at the same time (these are used to destroy the hive nest) - remembering the cards are passed face down. I made a pass of the card and I had a petrol can in return. Ok, I was blocked. Except the receiver looked up a rule that says they can state that a failed infection has taken place!! Ahgahga! If I'd known that I'd have never have tried....oh well. I tried another infection at Dale which failed too.
Then I tried another tactic and passed a med kit to Matt which threw them for a while and suspicions moved about. Then I tried Dale again and again I was blocked. Then I was stumped. I had used all three of my infection cards! With no success. Later I tried different things to attack people, moving creatures that can appear in their way, by which time everyone was certain I was the Host. In the end Dale destroyed the Hive and the humans won. But everyone was in agreement that after I had been blocked 3 times, I was pretty much stuck - the rules weren't up to the fact that someone would try to infect a few turns in or would fail 3 times.
That said, the rules had been amended 3 times since release at Essen! And a release came out the day after at Andys! Yikes! Still a good thing that its getting a lot of amends and fixes to get it just right and definately worth another go.