What's this blog all about?

"Board games? You play board games?" I hear you say... yes, but not unlike any board games you've probably ever heard of. Monopoly? Cluedo? Guess Who? Battleships? No, not by a long shot. One day someone introduced me to a great little game called "Carcassonne" - named after a French medieval town of rambling streets, walls and sections - where the aim is to score the most points using little random squares of road, walls and cities.
I was hooked and so began my, then our - the Bradshaw Tribe, adventure into Euro- and Ameritrash- gaming...

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Don't play a game for years and suddenly do two at once!

Amazing what a play of a game can do to your opinion of it lol. As today was a rain off for doing anything outdoors, Anita suggested playing a game - Citadels because she likes it so much! Now we were more up on the rules (apart from me finding out that you draw two location cards and only keep one at the start of your turn d'oh), things moved faster and play was more fun this time around.
Last game was a draw between Anita and I - this time Anita slamdunked us again - as it usual when she plays lol.