What's this blog all about?

"Board games? You play board games?" I hear you say... yes, but not unlike any board games you've probably ever heard of. Monopoly? Cluedo? Guess Who? Battleships? No, not by a long shot. One day someone introduced me to a great little game called "Carcassonne" - named after a French medieval town of rambling streets, walls and sections - where the aim is to score the most points using little random squares of road, walls and cities.
I was hooked and so began my, then our - the Bradshaw Tribe, adventure into Euro- and Ameritrash- gaming...

Friday, 6 June 2008

How to learn new rules - play the game yourself!

I've been dying to play Bang! for some time now - http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/3955 - it looked a little complex and I really needed to get the rules under my belt before introducing it to the family. It's a nice cheap little game that is very fast moving and can accommodate up to 7 players. Everyone takes the part of different characters in a Western shoot out - all the roles are secret, bar that of the Sheriff. The roles are a mix of Outlaws, Deputies and a Renegade. Also everyone gets to choose a character card that affects the game play. Then everyone gets a number of cards to play with that can help them or hinder the others before a Bang! card is played which is basically a shot at someone else in the game. Normally the Bang! cards have a range of 1 ie the player either side of you but alternate weapon cards and other game play cards can increase this.

I dug out the game the other day and sat down and played all 7 players single handed! No mean feat! But it got the rules down in my head and it's quite a fun simple and most of all quick game to play. It can last 20 mins apparently according to the rules. I would recommend it and I hope to get the family playing it soon and even organise a theme night with some of the local players - bring your own hat, badge and pistol!

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