What's this blog all about?

"Board games? You play board games?" I hear you say... yes, but not unlike any board games you've probably ever heard of. Monopoly? Cluedo? Guess Who? Battleships? No, not by a long shot. One day someone introduced me to a great little game called "Carcassonne" - named after a French medieval town of rambling streets, walls and sections - where the aim is to score the most points using little random squares of road, walls and cities.
I was hooked and so began my, then our - the Bradshaw Tribe, adventure into Euro- and Ameritrash- gaming...

Monday 3 January 2011

Introduce friends to Apples to Apples! Not laughed so much in ages!

After dropping mum back home and staying over night, we set off, but not before paying a visit with everyone to my friends Matt's place, with his partner Sarah and children Hannah and Amy. It was a nice time reacquainting with everyone and in some cases meeting new faces. after a while, we asked if they wanted a game of Apples to Apples and we gave a brief introduction to the rules. Then the fun started... Within minutes the laughter had started - the game appealed to perfectly to Matts and Sarahs ways of thinking and after the first game, Kavita joined in, with Roshni helping Hannah and Amy playing alongside Matt. There were tears of laughter all the way through - with Jack the Ripper being responsible and Berlin 1945 being courageous...

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